What are Orthodontics Laboratories and How They Benefit Dentists

What are Orthodontics Laboratories and How They Benefit Dentists

What are Orthodontics Laboratories and How They Benefit Dentists

Our mission is to help one smile at a time. One of our mottos is believing that a smile is a curve that sets everything straight! Orthodontics is not always widely understood by the general public. Some people confuse orthodontists with dentists. The fact is, while they do specialise in treating your overall oral health; orthodontists and dentists are two separate fields that assist in different areas of your health.

What is an Orthodontist?

Orthodontists are dental specialists. They specialise in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental and facial irregularities to help correctly align teeth, bites and jaws, including straightening teeth. Orthodontists are responsible for the diagnosis, treatment planning and implementation of patients requiring braces. They work closely with orthodontic technicians to ensure that processes are carried out quickly and accurately, but at a reduced cost. This allows them to offer their patients affordable treatments within an affordable time frame.

What is the Difference Between Orthodontists and Dentists?

Orthodontists and dentists perform similar functions – they collaborate to assist you in improving your general oral health – but they work in very different methods. Dentists can help with a wide range of oral health concerns. Orthodontics, on the other hand, is a type of dentistry that focuses on issues such as straightening teeth and correcting faulty bite patterns.

What is an Orthodontic Laboratory?

Trending Smiles Orthodontic Laboratory is a full-service orthodontic laboratory skilled in the fabrication of orthodontic appliances, retainers and splints. When you have a complicated situation, our team of skilled expert comprehensive orthodontic treatment experts can assist you with case consultation and bespoke appliance construction. Our quality craftsmanship and commitment to service have made Trending Smiles Lab the growing choice for orthodontists and dentists nationwide.


Common Orthodontic Issues

Orthodontics issues can range from a wide variety of things. Ensuring that your oral health, as well as your orthodontic health, is in good shape is imperative for your overall health. Below we have listed a number of orthodontic issues that you should watch out for.

Crowded teeth and spacing issues

Teeth may be too big, too small, too far apart or too close together which can result in poor alignment and make chewing difficult, affect speech, appear unattractive and be more difficult to clean.

‘Buck teeth’

‘Buck teeth’ or ‘rabbit teeth’ occurs when the upper jaw grows too much and sticks out, or the lower jaw does not grow enough. Protruded teeth can be cute but some are unattractive and others may be prone to accidental damage.


This is much less common but occurs when the lower jaw outgrows the upper jaw. When biting together, upper front teeth sit behind lower teeth.

Overbite/deep bite

This is where the upper jaw bites down too far over the lower jaw and may bite into the lower gum. Lower teeth can bite up into the gum behind the upper teeth. This type of bite is also a risk factor for increased tooth wear and gum damage.

Open Bite

This is where back teeth bite together but front teeth don’t, so there is a gap between top and bottom teeth. It creates difficulty with eating, biting, chewing and speech and is often caused by abnormal jaw growth which could result in abnormal tongue habits.


A crossbite is a type of malocclusion, or a misalignment of teeth, where upper teeth fit inside of lower teeth. This misalignment can affect a single tooth or groups of teeth, involving the front teeth, back teeth, or both.

Missing teeth

This can result in unattractive spaces. Opposing and adjacent teeth can drift into the space to create further problems.

Impacted teeth

An impacted tooth is a tooth that, for some reason, has been blocked from breaking through the gum. Sometimes a tooth may be only partially impacted, meaning it has started to breakthrough.

Ectopic teeth

Ectopic teeth are teeth that develop in the wrong position. In most cases, an ectopic tooth can be repositioned with braces.

How Orthodontics Assists Dentistry

Create beautiful, confident smiles.

Dental practices may keep a clean and white smile, but they can’t always discover problems with how your teeth and jawbone fit together. Misalignment can cause issues with your patients’ gum health as well as how they feel about themselves when they smile and giggle. Teeth that are properly aligned let your patients eat, sleep, and talk properly and not to mention; the confidence we all feel with a straight white smile is an amazing feeling.

Help maintain patients’ general oral health.

A misaligned tooth might result in bone loss and deterioration of the jaw. Infection, tooth decay near the misaligned ones, foul breath, and a slew of other health issues can all result. Regular dental cleanings and deep cleanings can keep these regions from getting dirty again, but only orthodontics can truly stop the negative consequences.

The Benefits of Orthodontic Laboratories

Orthodontic laboratories are specialized in creating, fabricating and refining orthodontic appliances using the most advanced technology. Some of the benefits can be listed as follows:

Targeted Treatment Plan

Orthodontic laboratories have the latest equipment to help them get you the best treatment plan for your budget. Their highly trained experts are able to offer you all the available treatment options that are best suited for your teeth. This is especially useful in cases of more complicated cases where some appliances can be more effective than others.

Proper Alignment

A good orthodontic laboratory will have experienced experts who specialize in creating specialized aligners or retainers, so your dental alignment is in good hands. They will have the best equipment on hand to position your teeth with utmost accuracy and precision. This means you get a perfect set of teeth aligned without any unnecessary adaptations needed for an extra fee.

Personalized Retainers

After your orthodontic treatment is complete, you might require some form of retainers. A good orthodontic laboratory can offer retainers that you may not be able to get elsewhere such as custom-fit retainers and 3-D printed retainers.

Fast and Affordable Braces

The latest equipment and the highly trained professionals make it possible to achieve faster results with fewer discomfort thanks to customized braces, fixed braces and lingual braces.


Orthodontic laboratories are best for people who prefer to stay with their regular work schedule and don’t wish to miss any days just to get an appointment with the orthodontist. Not only do they offer flexible services, most of them also work on weekends so you can book your appointments according to your work and personal life.

Need Orthodontic Care? We Can Help

Trending Smiles is your one-stop-shop for all of your Orthodontic needs. We launched in 2015 and with the help of our staff, we’re continuing to expand and maintain a high level of excellence, aiming to provide exceptional customer service and goods that represent our enthusiasm and years of special attention to fine details.

We specialise in removable devices such as:

  • Schwartz Appliance
  • Splints (Hard or Hard/Soft)
  • Begg Retainer
  • 3D Removable Expander
  • and more

We also specialise in fixed devices such as:

  • Bonded Fixed Lingual Retainer
  • RPE Hyrax Expander
  • RPE Power Screw Expander
  • Space Maintainer
  • and more

One of our greatest benefits is teeth alignment, teeth straightening and orthodontic treatment to give you a bright healthy smile that looks great and helps with self-confidence and personal development. Check out our services to see the full range of devices and appliances we have to offer.


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