
Hawley Appliance
The Maxillary Hawley Appliance is used to maintain a previous orthodontic result or to simply prevent undesirable movement of the teeth.

Clear Removable Retainer
Clear plastic retainers. These are removable retainers that are molded to perfectly fit the new position of your teeth.

Bleaching Tray
Bleaching trays are plastic retainers made using models of your teeth that hold whitening (bleach) gel.

Schwartz Appliance
Schwartz Appliance (Lower) The Schwartz Appliance is a removable appliance designed to expand the upper or lower jaw and create the needed space for development of permanent teeth.

Begg Retainer
Begg retainer is a dental device designed to facilitate post-orthodontic treatment. It is removable and intended to provide stability for the teeth and gum line, maintaining the recently-established alignment.

3D Removable Expander
Just like other expanders, the 3D Expander allows for expansion of the patients upper jaw but with the choice to move laterally or anteriorly at the same time. This is done using saw cuts between the canine and premolar teeth and generally with a posterior bite plane if the opposing teeth are impacting movement.

Mouth Guards
Mouthguards cover your teeth to protect teeth and gums. Custom-fitted mouthguards fit and protect your teeth better than over-the-counter mouthguards.

Splints (Hard or Hard/Soft)
Dental splints can help ease muscle tension and stabilize the jaw.
Fixed Appliances

Bonded Fixed Lingual Retainer
A Bonded Lingual Retainer Appliance (BLR) is usually comprised of a braided stainless steel wire that connects to the lingual (back) surfaces of the front teeth.

RPE Hyrax Expander
Attached to the upper molars through bonding or by cemented bands, the Rapid Palatal Expander is an orthodontic device used to create a wider space in the upper jaw.

RPE Bonded Expander
It is used to expand the palate and to correct the bite that either has a crossbite (“opposite” bite) or a narrow upper arch. It widens the upper jaw to create space for permanent teeth.

RPE Power Screw Expander
The PowerScrew can be used for dental and skeletal expansion of a narrow upper jaw in children, adolescents and adults.

Trans-Palatal Arch
The Trans-Palatal Arch is used to hold upper molars in place, stabilizing the position of these teeth during or after the movement of other teeth.

Space Maintainer
What is a Space Maintainer in Dentistry? Dental space maintainers are devices used to leave enough space open for permanent teeth to grow in after baby teeth are lost prematurely.

Distal Jet Appliance
A “Distal Jet” is a fixed appliance that is used to move the upper molars back.

Indirect Bonding
The practice of indirect bonding starts with creating a mold of your teeth. By taking the time to place the brackets in a proper position on the lab model, it eliminates the difficult process of placing orthodontic brackets directly on the teeth

Habit Appliance
The fixed habit appliances are used for correcting both tongue thrust and thumb sucking habits. A variety of appliance designs can be used for habit correction. In some cases, persistent finger habits may require a more aggressive appliance design such as small prongs or spikes to act as a deterrent to correct the habit.
Functional Appliances

Twin Block
Your brace is called a twin block appliance. It holds your lower jaw forwards so that your face muscles are pulling back gently on your upper front teeth.

Bionators are functional, removable appliances designed to correct overbites by promoting lower jaw growth.

Study Models
Study models can be used for a variety of purposes – initial evaluation for partial dentures, aesthetic considerations or for more involved treatment planning procedures.

Digital In House Printing
Now with the advantages of 3D printing, orthodontists can scan your oral cavity and convert the images into digital files which are then used to create aligners that are 3D printed and manufactured.