“Transforming smiles one appliance at a time”

Quality Orthodontic Appliances

About Trending Smiles

Trending Smiles is here to cater for all your Orthodontic needs. We were established in January 2015 and with growing support from our team we continue to grow and sustain a level of greatness, in which we intend to carry out a superior level of customer care and products that reflect our passion and years of endless attention to the finer details. It truly is our mission to transform smiles one appliance a time.

1 years
of qualified and successful experience

Not just Orthodontics…

Orthodontic appliances aren’t the only thing thats excites us! Trending Smiles also provides their clients with a new level of protection. That is our Ultimate Sports Mouth Guard. It is manufactured in either a double or triple layer and comes in a variety of colours.

Not after mouth Guards? We also equip our clients with quality durable Bruxism Splints. They can be made either Hard or Hard/Soft. Which ever you prefer.

Quality that makes all the difference

Here at Trending Smiles we pride ourselves on delivering our clients with appliances of the highest quality. This can only be met through years of experience and hours upon hours of examining what really helps our clients achieve the best results for their patients.


Our Office

Our office and laboratory is situated in the heart of Homebush, NSW Australia and is equipned with the latest in technolgies to assist all orthodontists and dentists with their requirements.

We appreciate our customers, so please feel free to contact us during normal business hours. Any questions Orthodontic or laboratory related we are here to help answer and guide you as best as we can!

Call 0426 261 617